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Victoria Park Primary School

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Friday 7th February 2025

Attendance and Punctuality

Games Makers

This week our first group of Games Makers completed their training.  They learnt different games they can teach the younger children at lunchtime to engage them in their play.  The Games Makers have already started supporting at lunchtimes this week and the children are loving having the older children there to play with them.

School Governor Vacancy

We currently have a vacancy on our Local Governing Body (LGB) for a member of the parent/carer community. A letter was emailed out to everyone at the start of the week - in the letter you find more information about the role of the local governing body, the role of a parent governor and how to apply. Here it is again in case you missed it.

Polite Notice: Office Capacity and Bringing Items into School 

Recently the office have been spending a lot of time delivering lunch boxes, water bottles, swimming kits, coats, musical instruments etc that have been brought into the office during the school day. Please be mindful to give these items to your child to bring into school with them. Many thanks

Lost property items

In the office we currently have a small box of items found around the school which belong to the children. If you think your child has misplaced a small personal item please feel free to pop into the office and have a look through the box. 


Important Dates


Important Dates for Term 3

  • Tuesday 11th February 2025 SEND Information meeting at 9am & 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 11th February 2025 PTFA Disco (Reception, Years 3 and 4)
  • Thursday 13th February 2025 PTFA Disco (Years 1 and 2, Years 5 and 6)
  • Thursday 13th February 2025 PTFA Quiz Night 
  • Friday 14th February 2025 PTFA cake and Uniform sale after school
  • Friday 14th February 2025 Last day of term


Important Dates for Term 4

  • Monday 24th February 2025 INSET DAY
  • Tuesday 25th February 2025 First day of Term 4
  • Friday 4th April 2025 Last day of term


Important Dates for Term 5

  • Tuesday 22nd April 2025 First day of Term 5
  • Friday 23rd May 2025 Last day of term


Important Dates for Term 6

  • Monday 2nd June 2025 First day of Term 6
  • Friday 27th June 2025 INSET DAY
  • Tuesday 22nd July 2025 Last day of term


Remember that you can see all of the term dates and INSET days on the term dates page of this website. These and other important dates are also on the website calendar.

Moose Club is open during the February half term with availability for both full and half days. We have lots of fun crafts, activities, games and more planned so be sure to get your bookings in! We look forward to seeing you over the break and hearing from you.

If you have any enquiries, please email us at 

Bristol Cathedral's day event for Year 4 pupils and parents

On Saturday 1 March from 11.00am to 4.30pm, Bristol Cathedral is hosting their annual Chorister for the Day event for Year 4 pupils and parents.

 The event is an opportunity for musically-inclined children in Year 4 to get a taste of what being a Cathedral Chorister is like, while also giving the parents information on the immense and measurable benefits of chorister education and life. As a probationary chorister they would remain at your primary school until the end of Year 6, joining Bristol Cathedral Choir School in Year 7 and becoming full choristers.

 The day includes a singing workshop; a tour of the Cathedral; Q&A sessions with music staff, BCCS, and the choristers themselves; and a fantastic opportunity to join in singing Choral Evensong with the Cathedral Choir. It is free to attend and lunch is included. The booking deadline is Sunday 23 February.

 The attached flyer includes further information, and you can book your place on the day here: or email the Cathedral’s Music & Liturgy Officer, Tim Popple at


February Half Term Guide for families

There are a variety of events and activities, and some free and low cost activities are included. This is a free resource to help local families plan their school holidays.
