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Victoria Park Primary School

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Friday 16th September 2022


In what has been an extraordinary week, children and adults in our community have been reflecting on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In our whole school assembly on Monday this week, we talked about the Queen and reflected on the significance of her life, and the fact that she came to the throne aged just 25. This made her the longest serving monarch in this country, and the longest serving Queen in the world. Our school value this week was Respect, and we explained to the children that one very important way of showing respect is to recognise that everyone will be feeling different emotions about the death of the Queen. Children have been encouraged to recognise that the way they feel may be different from the way somebody else feels. If they feel sad or have any questions, our children have been encouraged to talk to an adult in school or at home.


We explored how Queen Elizabeth was part of a large family, with many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.



We also explained to the children what happens next, including the immediate ascension of King Charles III, and the special ceremony that took place in Bristol City Centre last weekend. Using photographs of The Lord Lieutenant, The Lord Mayor and The High Sherriff, children noticed the grandeur of the ceremony.



Finally, children have been informed that there will be a funeral for Queen Elizabeth II on Monday 19th September. We explained that King Charles and our government have agreed that next Monday will be a bank holiday, which means that although we weren't expecting it, school will be closed next Monday as a mark of respect. Children have been told that it's up to their parents and carers to decide how to spend that day; some will wish to pay their respects to the Queen, some may wish to watch the funeral on television, and some will use the time in other ways.

Over the coming months, details will emerge about the forthcoming coronation. Having moved on from the period of national mourning, the coronation of King Charles III is likely to strike a more celebratory tone across the country. We will use this opportunity to further explore this historic occasion, and continue our learning about the political system in this country.


Tours for new parents and carers
If you know any families thinking of joining us in September 2023, they can book onto one of our tours. Booking is essential, and attendees can call the office on 0117 903 0343 for availability. These will be on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 18th October 2022 @ 9:30am
  • Tuesday 18th October 2022 @ 1:30pm
  • Thursday 3rd November 2022 @ 9:30am
  • Thursday 3rd November 2022 @ 1:30pm
  • Thursday 10th November 2022 @ 4pm (after school)
  • Tuesday 10th January 2022 @ 9:30am"

SEND parent forum
Come along to our SEND coffee morning hosted in partnership with Bristol Parent Carer Forum where you can find out more information on what support is available locally for your child with special educational needs and disabilities.
Date: Tuesday 11th October 
Time: 9:00am - 10:30am
Location: Victoria Park Primary School in the Community Room (Middle Playground) - please enter at the gate on St John's Lane. 


A request from Year 1
Do you have any comics or children's magazines you don't read anymore? Year 1 would love any Beano, National Geographic Kids, Phoenix, etc. that you are happy to pass on. Please send these to Mulberry or Beech Class, or drop them into the office.


A reminder that school will be closed on Monday 19th September. Children should come to school as normal the following day on Tuesday 20th September.


We have provided two documents below which may help you to navigate the weekend with your families.
