Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
Welcome to the final newsletter of this term. Children have been working really hard and are in need of a good rest over the next week! It was lovely to celebrate by singing Autumn and Harvest songs together on Tuesday - we are really glad so many parents and carers could join us. Thank you for your donations for the local food bank which will be collected over the half term break. Children also enjoyed the PTFA discos this week; this event is not only great fun but raises valuable additional funding for the school. We are so grateful to the PTFA for all of their support!
Staffing News
After the Christmas holidays, Mr Irwin will be moving to May Park Primary School where he has a new role working with children with SEND in their resource base. This is something Mr Irwin is very excited about, but naturally we will be sad to see him leave us after so many wonderful years here.
We have appointed a teacher new to the school to teach Oak class, starting in January. Mrs Penny Martin is an experienced teacher who has worked in two local primary schools over recent years.
Please join us in wishing Mr Irwin the very best of luck in his new role, and welcoming Mrs Martin to Victoria Park Primary School.
Curriculum Newsletters
Each term, we provide a Curriculum Newsletter per year group. These are written by class teachers and give an overview of the learning that will be taking place each term in your child's class. Here are the Curriculum Newsletters for Term 2.
School Council
Last week we held our school council elections. It was great to see so many children keen to take on this role to help shape our school. Well done to all those who put themselves forward. The results are now in and the new school council held its first meeting this week. Congratulations to all those children who were elected.
Poppy Appeal
We will be selling poppies and poppy merchandise to support this year's Poppy Appeal. We will be accepting cash only donations, but no change will be available as money will be put straight into collection boxes. Here is a guide to the prices of the merchandise available.
Poppies will be available to purchase on the following dates:
School Nurse Coffee Morning
We work really closely with the local school nursing team, and we are delighted to host an informal coffee morning for parents and carers to meet them on Friday 3rd November. The coffee morning will be at 9am in the Community Room (in the middle playground). Please make your way there after dropping your child off and join us for a hot drink and biscuit. The school nursing team are able to support children and families with a wide range of concerns including bedwetting, eating, sleep, behaviour and anxiety. Please come along for a chat and to find out more about the services they can provide.
Somerset Terrace Community Garden
There are plans to turn this patch of grass into a community garden for people and wildlife. See this link for more information. The council will be planting some trees on the space over the winter and there is a small pot of funding for plants. There will be a public meeting at Windmill Hill Community Centre (Vivian Street) on Monday 23rd October from 6:30pm to 8:00pm for people to find out more and share ideas.
We hope everyone enjoys a great break from school! Next term, the first day back for children is Tuesday 31st October.