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Victoria Park Primary School

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At Victoria Park Primary School, we believe good school attendance is essential for your child to thrive. We work hard to promote attendance and ensure our children are in school whenever possible.


Our School Day

The school day begins at 8:45am and ends at 3:15pm. This is a total of 6.5 hours a day (which includes breaks and lunchtime). In a typical week the total time this amounts to is 32.5 hours.


Absence from School

In order to safeguard the children in our school, we have a duty of care to follow up on any unknown absences. 

If your child is not going to be in school please call the office on 0117 3534275 or 0117 9030343 to report their absence. Please do this before 9am on the first day of the absence.

If we have not heard from you by 9am then we will start to call all the contact numbers that you have provided in order to gain an explanation for the absence. If we still have not been able to ascertain where your child is then we may make a home visit. In exceptional circumstances if we still haven’t been able to get a response then we may feel it necessary to report it to the police as your child will then be classed a ‘missing child’.

This procedure is to ensure that we know where your child is and that you are all safe. Similarly, if your child is absent with illness for a prolonged period, we may make a home visit as part of our duty of care to your child.

Persistent Absence

 Persistent absence is when a child's attendance at school falls below 90%.  We have a duty to ensure that children are attending school regularly and to support families with improving attendance.  We do this through weekly tracking of all children's attendance.  When attendance starts to become a concern we will notify you by text, letter or in some cases invite you in for a meeting to discuss.  Whilst we understand that there are genuine reasons why a child might not be in school, it is important that we work together to ensure that children are not missing learning time.  

Holiday Requests

All requests for term time absence should be made in writing and in advance using the form below.  Requests can either be handed in to the school office or emailed to


Term time holidays will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances.  Unauthorised absences of 10 or more sessions could result in you receiving a penalty notice from the council in relation to the absence.  More information can be found on this below.

Penalty Notice Information

If you have any questions about attendance or require any support, please speak to our attendance lead, Laura Mullen.