Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
This week we have celebrated our love of reading and World Book Day! As ever, the creativity shown with the children's costumes was amazing; just take a look at the photos below. The school was filled with a variety of amazing costumes and books that the children could share and talk about with their friends and teachers. It was a lot of fun trying to guess each other's new identities.
Pupils in Key Stage 1 and 2 had a visit from story tellers Hannah Moore and Fiona Eadie. The children were so engaged throughout the sessions and were captivated by there impressive storytelling. Thank you to the PTFA for funding this opportunity.
Meet the Governors
Kate Fox - Local Governor. "I have been a resident in the local area for 9 years and am very pleased to have the opportunity to support my local community as a governor at VPPS. Most of my career I have worked in school settings, initially as a primary school teacher, and then as music leader and a music therapist. Three years ago I retrained as a software engineer and now work for The Key, a group of companies that provide guidance and tools to support school leadership. I am new to the role of governance and am looking forward to the challenge of getting involved in school life from this new perspective."
Sport Relief at VPPS!
On Wednesday 27th March, we will be raising money for Comic Relief by having our own Sport Relief day. This is different to the national Red Nose Day which takes place on Friday 15th March. (We won't be fundraising on Friday 15th March because we have our Year 3 Play in a Week performances happening on that day.) We are looking forward to a fun physical day, in which children will each take part in an obstacle course. They will also be able to come to school dressed in something sporty, or as their favourite sports person. We'll remind you of these details again closer to the date.
BS3 Hedgehog Project
Here is the BS3HP Spring Newsletter. With the arrival of spring, we should start seeing hedgehogs soon (if not already - quite a few have been spotted out of hibernation in BS3 this February)! Typically they emerge once night time temperatures are above 5°C (but this is not an exact science). They will have lost a third of their body weight so will be hungry and thirsty – please put out cat food and water. Check borders for hibernating hedgehogs before cutting back. If you plan to clean your hedgehog house, early spring is the ONLY safe time to do so and only if the house is unoccupied (remember not to handle wild hedgehogs). If you see a hedgehog in need of some help, please contact a local wildlife rescues organisation.
You can also join the Urban Nature Collective Exhibition launch night on March 7th at the Tobacco Factory, from 7pm to 9pm. This exhibition is a collaboration of local artists, celebrating urban nature. Come along for a chat with us – Sophie, Lucy, Becky and Lorne from the BS3HP admin team will be there as well as My Wild Bedminster.
Thanks to everyone who logged hedgehog sightings in 2023 either on the BigHedgehogMap.org or through the Greater Bedminster Urban Nature Reserve’s Hedgehog survey. Please continue to log sightings in 2024 - this information is incredibly valuable, so let's try to get numbers up! See the map of results below.
SEND Newsletter
Here is the latest Bristol SEND newsletter for families from Bristol Parent Carers.
We hope to see you at the PTFA food festival from 12 noon until 2pm tomorrow, for a range of delicious food stalls, the Children's Bake Off and Share A Plate! We hope you have a lovely weekend.