Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
Welcome to this week's school newsletter. This week our school value has been Respect. Although all of the school values are important all of the time, each week we focus on one of the school values during our whole school assembly on Monday. Then on a Friday each teacher selects one pupil from their class to receive a Values Certificate for demonstrating that value. We also have our phase assemblies, class assemblies and singing assemblies during the week.
Year 6 parents
You will soon need to complete a secondary school application for any child in Year 6. Open evenings at various Secondary Schools are starting to take place. It is really important that you visit the secondary schools you are thinking of applying for, in order to decide on your preferences. Miss Mullen sent all Y6 parents/carers a letter with more details about this last week. Also, don't forget we will be hosting our own Parents' meeting to help with the application process after school on Monday 25th September and again online that evening at 7:30pm (link to be sent in email.)
Dressing Up
Do you have any dressing up clothes? If anyone is having a clear out, we would welcome any donations of children's fancy dress costumes (age 5+), including hats and wigs. The children love playing with these at lunchtime.
Victoria Park Festival
This Saturday it is the annual VPAG Victoria Park Festival. It would be lovely to see lots of our families supporting this community event.
Please ensure your child has a named coat in school every day now that Autumn is here. Children will be expected to wear them at break and lunchtime as it gets colder and wetter. Coats without names on take much longer to find their owners than those that are labelled.
Bristol Autism Team (BAT)
For information about Bristol Autism Team, who they are, and the support they offer, click on this flyer:
Other Information
Life Saving taster Session
The start of a new school year is the perfect time to try a new activity. Keynsham Life Saving Club are running a taster session for 8-18yr olds on Sun 17 Sept from 2-4pm.
During this session you'll get to try some of the activities that you might cover on a typical club night: you'll learn some basic first-aid, find out about different types of casualty, discover how to safely enter the pool, and even try your hand at a rope-throw rescue.
For full details, and to book your place, please click here or for more details about the club see www.klsc.co.uk or contact chairman@klsc.co.uk
Don't forget there is an INSET day coming up, during which school will be closed to pupils for staff training. This is on Monday 2nd October. Have a lovely weekend!