Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
Welcome back to school for Term 2! This week, all the staff at Victoria Park Primary School attended our annual Cathedral Schools Trust conference - an opportunity to collaborate with all nine schools in CST. We're always striving to be reflective, collaborative and creative in pursuit of excellence for your children; this year the theme was Oracy and how to further support all learners, including those with SEND. In our values assembly on Tuesday, we talked about ways to show determination in learning. Children heard the story of Igor, The Bird Who Couldn't Sing by Satoshi Kitamura and reflected on how a growth mindset can lead to success.
Litter Picking Mission!
Over half term, these pupils showed respect, kindness and determination in their own way - Anwen organised a litter pick around Victoria Park by contacting Bristol Waste to hire all the equipment. She and her fellow litter pickers - Fern, Dylan, Merryn and Ava - collected three big bags of rubbish, leaving the park looking much better. Well done to all of you!
Conflict Across the World
With the significant recent escalation of conflicts in the Middle East, many adults and children across our schools have been asking for more information and thinking about how they might be able to help. You will have received a letter from our CEO Neil Blundell this week explaining that it's "really important that we continue to acknowledge world events and to ensure that children understand the wider world. Whilst we all have a view and different interpretations on history and current events, it is also important that schools remain politically neutral in support of breadth and balance."
At Victoria Park Primary School, we use our values assembly each Monday to talk about our school values. Over the coming weeks we will focus on respect and kindness to all people, and the concepts of conflict and peace.
Your children may be confused or worried to hear current news stories reported on the TV and Radio and it can be hard to know what to say to support them. These resources from UNICEF and Save the Children can be very helpful for parents and carers.
You may wish to contribute to the ongoing humanitarian efforts. To help with this, we have set up fundraising pages for the following international children’s charities: Save the Children and UNICEF. These links will take you to the Just Giving pages if you wish to donate to either charity.
Diwali Celebration - non-uniform day
On Friday 10th November, we will be learning about and celebrating Diwali - the Hindu Festival of Lights. We will be holding an assembly in the morning, introducing the story of Rama and Sita. During the day, pupils will be taking part in a special activity in class, such as making decorations or crafting. To help the feeling of celebration, all children are invited to wear their special celebration clothes to school (non-school uniform).
Odd Socks Day
On Monday 13th November, we will be taking part in Odd Socks Day at school to launch Anti-Bullying week. We would love children to wear odd socks to school that day - the crazier the better! We will be exploring the theme of bullying in assemblies and lessons throughout the week.
Children in Need
On Friday 17th November, we will be raising money for Children in Need. We would love it if children came to school wearing something spotty or Pudsey-related for a suggested donation of £1 which can be paid in cash on the day or via the School Gateway App. We will also be collecting loose change to try to fill Pudsey's collection tube.
Bristol Parent Carers
Bristol Parent Carers, a parent-run organisation, knows the ups and downs of raising a child with special educational needs or a disability, because they've been there too, with children just like yours. As a parent-run charity, they are here to support you. Come to one of their free events and ensure your family gets the assistance it needs. 💙 Click here for more details.
Colliter’s Brook Walk
Fancy a local family adventure to search for kingfishers, egrets and otters? Colliter’s Brook is a wildlife haven, running from Dundry Hill in North Somerset, downstream to the New Cut & River Avon in Bristol’s harbour, near the Clifton Suspension Bridge. A local group has created a map to help explore the whole length of the brook, its plants and wildlife and its views and secret footpaths. Use the map to stroll on the public footpaths along short, level stretches of the brook where you might spot kingfishers, little egrets or (if you are lucky) otters. For a longer, winter walk put on your boots and follow the public rights of way downhill from Dundry, criss-crossing the brook on the way. With around 6.5km to explore, Colliter's Brook offers year-round wildlife to enjoy. The map is available on-line at www.collitersbrook.com for you to view, download and print with paper copies to come later. The project has been supported by the Bristol Avon Catchment Partnership.
Could you be a River Detective?
James at Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART) is looking for groups or individuals who will help to monitor local streams, especially in South Bristol. BART has a number of linked projects as set out in the attachment. Wessex Water Guardians is just starting and involves monthly observational reporting of pollution and biodiversity by regularly walking a familiar stretch of river. Being a Guardian is a good starting point as the roles of Detective (water sampling) and Riverfly (species monitoring) are slightly more complicated. Basic, on-line training is on offer for all roles. Contact James at james@bristolavonriverstrust.org or 07842419507 for more details.
Christmas Rehearsals
Across all year groups, pupils will soon begin practising for upcoming Christmas performances. This will include learning Christmas-themed songs. If you would rather your child did not take part in practising Christmas songs, please speak to their class teacher. We will remind you all of the important Christmas performance dates and activities in next week's newsletter.
If you visit the VPAG bonfire on Victoria Park this Sunday, please pay a visit to the bar which is being run by our PTFA, as always raising money for the school. We hope you have a lovely weekend!