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Victoria Park Primary School

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Friday 18th November 2022

This week, children in school marked the start of national Anti Bullying Week by celebrating Odd Socks Day on Monday. My wearing odd socks we symbolise our acceptance of variety and celebrate difference. The theme of this year's Anti Bullying Week was "Reach Out" and the children watched this film in assembly to help them understand what it means to "Reach Out".

Anti-Bullying Week 2022: Reach Out

We ended the week raising money for BBC Children in Need. Well done to everyone who wore something spotty, donated loose change or baked/ate a cake! We will be counting up the money raised and will let you know our grand total soon. In the mean time, here are a few photographs from the day...

Poetry competition 2022-2023

Ablaze (an independent charity) is running a poetry competition for children. The theme for this year’s competition is ‘My Future’, so they are looking for poems about how your pupils imagine a future world or their personal future. The competition is open to all Primary School pupils across Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset. The best 80 poems will be selected to go in their poetry book, and there will be prizes for the winner and runner-up in each of the three age categories: 5-7, 7-9 and 9+, as well as the overall best poem. Our judges include local poet Miles Chambers, Bristol’s first poet laureate. Click here for more information.
The closing date for the competition is Friday 24th February 2023.

Next Friday, the PTFA would like to host a non-uniform day for children, to thank them for donations of "Jolly Jars". Jolly Jars are creatively decorated jars filled with a variety of fun items for children. Fill with sweets, small toys, stickers and any other fun treasures, then decorate the jar and donate. Children are invited to wear non-uniform clothes on Friday 25th November as a special treat and a "thank you" from the PTFA. Even if you can not donate this time, the PTFA would like all children to take part in this non-uniform day.

(Note: since publishing this week's newsletter we have reworded this section to clarify that all children may join in with non-uniform day and this is not exclusively for those who donate a Jolly Jar.)
