Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
Our value of the week has been Respect. Teachers in the school have been trying to catch children showing this value in school this week. Our Values Certificate winners this week were:
Well done to all of you!
Thank you to everybody who attended our Art on the Hill exhibition last weekend. Displaying art in a gallery is one of the events we have in our Victoria Park Passport of Opportunities so it was brilliant to have so many of you come and view the children's work (as well as support the school by buying the various items on offer!)
Thank you, once again, to Lucy and Beth from ArtLab for running the workshops for the children as well as organising the other workshops on the day. Also thank you to everyone who ran a workshop or an event for the school over the weekend. And of course, thank you to the VPPS PTFA for making the event possible.
We have a few cake containers in the school office left over from your generous cake donations for Art on the Hill, please pop into the office to collect yours if you are missing one.
Harvest Collection
The school council are organising a Harvest collection for the Julian Trust. Each class have been allocated a chosen item to donate and there will be a collection box in each classroom (see the flyer below for details). If you are able to contribute to the collection, please do.
PE Kits
We have noticed that some children are not wearing school PE kit to school on their PE days. Please take a look at our uniform policy on our school website and ensure that your child is wearing the correct PE kit to school. Football kits, branded or slogan clothing are not part of the uniform and should not be worn. We allow children to come to school in PE kits on the days they have PE as not having to get changed saves valuable time for learning in the lesson.
Attendance and Punctuality
Important Dates for this Term
Remember that you can see all of the term dates and INSET days on the term dates page of this website. These and other important dates are also on the website calendar.
Supporting Inter-parental Communication Project
This is a great opportunity of support for parents/carers (separated/together/solo) that
are arguing a lot/struggling to communicate/stopped communicating
have a child aged between 8 and 14 years
are not experiencing current domestic abuse/ substance use difficulties and are not in current court proceedings (please contact for other support in this case)
The help on offer will either be Mentalization Based Therapy with a relationship therapist or access to online resources with practitioner support. It’s a research project which requires 3 questionnaires to be completed at intervals and parents/children are remunerated with shopping vouchers. £10 per questionnaire with a bonus £10 for completing all 3. A family of 3 would receive £120 in total.
Further information here: Support for Interparental Communication (SIPCo)
Referral form here (parents can self- refer) : https://forms.office.com/e/kcjftQn66D
Shine Holiday Club
Shine Holiday Clubs are running for children in Southville this October Half Term! Open to children from any school in Reception to Year 6, we look forward to seeing your children and their friends joining us for lots of October fun.
Running from 09:00-3:30pm with early and late hours if you need them, there are loads of different activities. Including Gymnastics with Circus skills, Little Steppers dancing to Michael Jacksons ‘Thriller’ with face painting, Creative Extravaganza, Play in a Day and Mini Mash-ups offering loads of Halloween games and fun.
With the reassurance of a 48 hour cancellation period, you can book knowing if your plans change, you can cancel your booking.
Click Holiday Clubs in Southville – Click Here to see what’s on. See you at Half Term!
Computer Xplorers
Computer Xplorers have a few spaces left at their Half-Term Tech Clubs! Robots, Minecraft, Videogame design and more! Book with a friend for discounted tickets: https://tinyurl.com/halfterm-tech-club
Here are some details regarding half term workshops at art-K in Southville.
Marvellous Moths
Everyone is welcome to come and learn about local moth species. The speaker will be Charlie Tallis who has coordinated a moth count (over 150 species!!) during 2024 in the neighbourhood around Gores Marsh Park.
Tuesday, 29 October at the Bristol Beer Factory (back room), North Street from 7pm