Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
Our value of the week has been Determination. Teachers in the school have been trying to catch children showing this value in school this week. Our Values Certificate winners this week were:
- Charlie and Hazel
- Alicja and Charley
- Will and Willow
- Magnus and Jasper
- Skye and Kamilla
- Bailey and Oisin
LEAP Performance
On Wednesday, Year 6 were lucky enough to be invited to Trinity Academy to watch some of their students play with LEAP Ensemble as part of the Birmingham Conservatoire. The ensemble were accompanied by the choir from St Katherine's. The children had a wonderful time rocking out to classics such as Ghostbusters, Final Countdown and Space Man.
School Council
The school council have now had their first meeting and the children have been awarded their badges to wear with pride on their school uniform. During the first meeting of the year we talked about charity events that we are going to organise over the next few months and tasked the reps with finding out from their class what we can do to make Victoria Park even better.
School council's first mission is to promote the Harvest collection for the Julian Trust. Each rep chose an item for their class to bring in to school and donations are welcomed until 23rd October.
Attendance and Punctuality
Last week we saw fantastic attendance from Beech and Bay class who both had 100% attendance. Well done!
Germs and bugs
We know that as the weather changes, more germs and bugs are doing the rounds. It is important that we talk to the children about things we can do to prevent illness spreading e.g. washing hands, using tissues. We will be talking to them about this in school and ask that you do the same at home.
The PTFA are running various events between now and Christmas. Please click on the link below to find out more details:
PTFA events: Sign up to Classlist here
Please remember the deadline for booking the disco's is Sunday 20th October.
Important Dates for this Term
Remember that you can see all of the term dates and INSET days on the term dates page of this website. These and other important dates are also on the website calendar.
Magic Show at VPPS
There is a magic show being held in the main hall this evening, please see the flyer attached.
Parenting course
Here is the latest flyer about parenting courses that are being run by the council. These courses are free and available to all. There are different types of courses for different ages of children so please have a look at the offering and see what you think.
Fiercely loving a child who the world may not understand or know how to welcome can take its toll on SEND parent mental health. Combining therapeutic and community work, Murmurations support SEND parents to regularly connect and share in a safe, compassionate and non-judgemental space. https://www.murmurationcommunitytherapy.com
Have a green halloween!
Halloween can bring a lot of fun but also a lot of waste.
Did you know that 18,000 tonnes of edible pumpkin and an estimated 7 million costumes are thrown away every year.
Help reduce your impact on the planet by reusing your costumes or passing them on to others and eating your pumpkin once Halloween is over.
Check out these ideas from environmental charity Hubbub about how to have less impact on the planet. https://hubbub.org.uk/ and some great recipes here #Eatyourpumpkin
South Bristol Toy Library
We are open fortnightly on Saturdays at St Michael's and All Angels Church, Vivian Street in Windmill Hill.
We have a small membership fee for a year and offer discount for anyone on benefits. We have over 1500 toys for ages 0 to 12 that can be borrowed for two weeks for small hire fees.
It is a great way to access a wide range of toys, educational, imaginative, outdoor and much more. It saves money reduces waste as children grow out of toys so quickly.
We are run by volunteers so all the fees go into keeping the library open.
We have about 100 members but are always open to new people joining.
More information and a link to our online toy catalogue can be found here - https://www.windmillhillcityfarm.org.uk/support-us/partnerships/south-bristol-toy-library/
Bristol's Storytale Festival
Bristol’s Storytale Festival will take place on Saturday 26th October 2024 at the M Shed. There are events for children of all ages, including three creative writing workshops to fuel young imaginations. a drama workshop, a thought provoking event with Black Lives Matter activist Jen Reid , and much more in this jam-packed and fun-filled creative day. The full programme of events, more information and details about how to book can be found at www.storytalefestival.com
Progressive Kids Holiday Club flyer
October half term holiday club at Long Ashton Community Centre