Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
In assembly this week, we discussed all the opportunities children have to participate in structured and unstructured play during lunchtimes. The children now have more equipment to help facilitate their play and we are continuing to look at what else we can add to enrich the provision.
This week (after discussion with the school council) we opened the library at lunchtimes for children to come and have a quiet, warm space to read and to borrow books to take home to enjoy.
We also re-introduced Games Makers to our lunchtime provision and we have had a lot of interest in children from Year 5 and 6 who are keen to help the younger children at lunchtime by providing games for them to join in with. There will be more information about this in the coming weeks.
Our value of the week has been respect and we thought about how we can show this at lunchtime to ensure everyone has a safe, happy lunchtime. We talked about respecting our friends through our play, being respectful towards the equipment to ensure it doesn't get damaged and is looked after and towards the adults who are outside keeping the area safe for us.
Our Values Certificate winners for showing respect this week were Josiah, Idris, Luke, May, Rico, Francesco, Luna, Logan, Harozo, Mo, Oli, Aoife, Nicholas. Well done all of you!
Attendance and Punctuality
We had a large number of children late to school last week and we know and appreciate that it can be difficult for children (and adults) to get back in to a routine after a holiday period. During assembly we talked about the importance of working together as a family to ensure everyone is ready for the start of the day.
Well done to Bay class who had 100% attendance during the first week back, this is a fantastic achievement.
Congratulations also to Hazel class who had no lateness last week.
Bedminster Lantern Parade
This week, Year 4 have been making fantastic lanterns for the Bedminster Lantern Parade, working in collaboration with local artist Amy Peck. This year’s theme is 'Bristol Together' and we are celebrating this by representing the diverse wildlife found in Bristol’s green spaces. We hope to see you this Saturday at 5pm on North Street for the main event.
We Value Your Feedback: SEND Provision Questionnaire
We are conducting an audit of our SEND provision, communication, and information-sharing processes, and we would greatly appreciate your input. A questionnaire has been sent out to gather your thoughts and suggestions, which are essential in helping us improve and tailor our support for children with SEND.
The questionnaire is quick to complete, and your feedback will play a vital role in shaping our future practices. If you haven’t received the questionnaire or would like more information, please contact the school office. Link here: https://forms.gle/b9DFpEEYCjcKY3cb6
Thank you for your support in ensuring the best outcomes for all our pupils!
Wanted by Reception Classes
Reception would love any garden trowels for forest school. We would like metal ones for digging in the mud, not plastic ones, as these tend to break easily!
We would also love any old double/king duvet covers or double/king bottom sheets. This would give the children the opportunity to make dens in the forest.
Please give any donations of these items to the Reception team.
Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend
Join the world's largest wildlife survey - you can do it even if you don't have a garden; just choose an area in a park or other green space to count the birds visiting over an hour.
More information here: https://www.rspb.org.uk/whats-happening/big-garden-birdwatch
And a 1 minute video for how to take part: https://tinyurl.com/mvyapmwh
Important Dates for Term 3
Important Dates for Term 4
Important Dates for Term 5
Important Dates for Term 6
Remember that you can see all of the term dates and INSET days on the term dates page of this website. These and other important dates are also on the website calendar.
News from Shine!
If you need last minute childcare, or you have forgotten to book your child into their After School Club, don’t worry we have extended the time that you can book your child into Shine.
You can now book at MyShine.co.uk for the same day, until 2:30pm. Shine staff use live registers on a tablet, so you can be reassured that they will pick up your booking.
After 2:30pm, you can still book, but you will need to phone the office on 01174 033 033, or email info@myshine.co.uk and the admin team will be able to help you.
VPAG Moon and Star-Gazing!
Victoria Park is one of the national Urban Dark Sky Sites and early February is the UK National Astronomy Week, so VPAG is holding its biennial Star Party on Monday 3rd February.
If the skies are clear on this day, members of Bristol Astronomical Society will bring their telescopes into the park (up by The Lodge), giving us the chance to see the Moon close-up, Jupiter, Mars, The Orion Nebula, and the Andromeda galaxy. At the same time, Explorer Dome will run star shows in their inflatable planetarium in St Michael & All Angels Church in Windmill Hill, as well as doing some star-related activities. Refreshments, including hot drinks, should be available for purchase in the church and from Feral Folk Coffee in the park.
If it’s cloudy or wet on Monday 3rd Feb and the forecast is better for the next night, the astronomers will come to the park on Tuesday 4th Feb. instead - but the Explorer Dome shows will still happen on the Monday.
The star dome can only take 25 people at a time and there are 4 star shows, starting at 6.30pm. Priority for the first show will go to those with younger children as it's a school night. This year we're charging £6 per adult and £4 per child to cover costs. Payment details will be sent to you when you register.
No. of adults in your party:
No. of children (under 16) in your party and their ages:
Your preferred email address (if not the one to which this was sent):
Bedminster & Marksbury Road Libraries
The Friends Group of Bedminster & Marksbury Road Libraries is looking for new members. Friends Groups are independent groups who work with Bristol Libraries to help create a library service that works for the whole community e.g.