Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
Lunar New Year
In our whole school assembly on Monday, we learnt about the Lunar New Year and the traditions and celebrations associated with it. During the week, each class has been taking part in activities to highlight the importance of Lunar New Year around the world. Thank you to all the children and families who contributed to making it extra special.
Ancient Greek Day
On Tuesday it was Ancient Greek day in Year 5! The costumes were simply brilliant, so a big well done to all who dressed up (and their parents and carers of course!). We started the day learning about Greek fables and myths, creating our own comic strip and performing scenes from our favourite myths. We then investigated the Ancient Olympics and had a go ourselves in the playground. After lunch we painted our own Greek pots, which turned out amazingly! All the Y5s can be so proud of the enthusiasm and creativity they demonstrated today, well done! For more pictures, check out the school Instagram account.
Watercress Farm Visit
On Thursday, Mulberry Class enjoyed their second visit to Watercress farm in Wraxall. The sun was shining for our meadow walk and we enjoyed popcorn and pancakes cooked on the bonfire. We even saw the resident ponies and cows! We had a great day connecting with nature and are already looking forward to our third visit in the summer.
Attendance and Punctuality
Donations Welcome
Reception would love any black, grey or navy blue jogging bottoms age 4 -5. Please drop them to any of the Reception team. Thanks!
Important Dates
Important Dates for Term 3
Important Dates for Term 4
Important Dates for Term 5
Important Dates for Term 6
Remember that you can see all of the term dates and INSET days on the term dates page of this website. These and other important dates are also on the website calendar.
Join a Bristol Beacon Ensemble
Bristol's young musicians are invited to join an ensemble, group or choir or learn an instrument with Bristol Beacon. There’s over 20 ensembles, groups and choirs to choose from, Year 3 to Year 13 - from complete beginners to advanced.
From our beginners' Sparks ensembles, to jazz, DJing or percussion, through to our flagship Bristol Youth Orchestra and Choir – there is something for everyone. Join an ensemble with Bristol Beacon and discover how you can be part of a thriving musical community. Make music with others, develop your skills and have the chance to perform at the transformed Bristol Beacon venue.
Bursaries are available for all our ensemble activities and cover up to the full amount of the membership fee. Find out more: bristolbeacon.org/bursaries-discounts-and-fees/ or email ensembles@bristolbeacon.org
ComputerXplorers are running half-term workshops with some days already sold-out! Children can have a go learning robotics, 3D modelling, stop-motion and videogame design! Book now - the fantastic world of computing awaits! www.computerxplorers.co.uk/bristol/book-now
Jubilee Pool Aqua Disco
The Jubilee Pool disco is back by popular demand, with earlier time slots, new floats & a special session for tweens. So, why not save yourself another cold Saturday afternoon in the park & come to support your local pool. Secure your tickets here:
Robins Foundation Half Term Holiday camps
Sign up here for the Robins Foundation February Half Term Holiday camps in Knowle.
These sessions are designed to provide sporting activities that will keep everyone engaged and involved. Activities will include a variety of sports sessions to use up some holiday energy.
Location: The Park Centre, Daventry Road, Bristol BS4 1DQ
Time: 9am - 1pm
Dates: Monday 17th February - Thursday 20th February
Ages: School Years 3-7