Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
Welcome back to a new school year! It is lovely to see the children returning well-rested and ready to learn. They have spent the week settling into the routines of their new classes and year groups, as well as making a quick start with our improved reading and writing curriculum for 2022. It was a delight to welcome new children to Cherry Class and Willow Class this week. All the children have started their Primary School journey with confidence and smiles. There were only a few tears – and those were from proud parents and carers!
This weekly newsletter is provided every Friday - you will be emailed the link to take you to the correct page of our website. This is our main way of communicating with you, so please take the time to read through the information below. If you are viewing the website on a computer, you can also translate it in to a range of languages using the Google Translate button in the top-right corner.
Our School Values
We have four school values which are displayed around the building on golden butterflies. These values underpin everything we do, including our learning behaviours. Each week the Monday morning assembly values focuses on one of the values. This week the children have focused on Determination, and explored how this important value can help with making the best start possible to a new school year.
New Termly Curriculum Newsletters
This year we will continue to provide termly curriculum newsletters for each year group. These are written by the class teachers, with the aim of providing an overview of the learning that will be taking place each term in your child's class. In response to your survey feedback, this year the newsletter have a new format, to make them easier to read and more informative. They will be emailed to parents and carers, as well as linked in this newsletter (below). Children in Year 1 and Year 2 will also bring home a printed copy of their curriculum newsletter. There is no curriculum newsletter for new Reception classes this term - we feel you have received lots of new information in the run up to starting school this week. Curriculum newsletters in Reception will commence in Term 2.
Cost of Living and Help with Uniform
The rising cost of living is impacting people across Bristol in different ways. To help support people most impacted, including those who have not faced financial challenge before, the council have created a cost of living support hub on their website. It provides advice and guidance on topics including housing, help with fuel bills, benefits and financial help, employment and skills, mental health and wellbeing, and provides links to useful websites and community organisations. Visit the council website for help on cost of living support.
There is also support available for parents to help with the cost of new uniforms, school shoes and school supplies. The application for these grants close on 9th October. If you need help, please reach out to Miss Mullen or Mr Brice. We are here to help.
Click here to apply for help to purchase school uniforms
Y6 Parents and Carers – Choosing a Secondary School
Earlier this week we emailed a letter about attending open evenings for secondary schools. In case you missed it, the letter is provided below. Remember to click the links in the letter to book your place on the open days and visits.
Supervising Children After School
This week we have had 3 occasions where parents or carers have lost sight of their own child after picking up from the class teachers. Thankfully, all of these children were located swiftly and we have staff on duty to support should this arise. However, we request that you remind your children not to run ahead from you when exiting the school. We need to lock the gates by 3:25 so it is important you exit the playgrounds as soon as possible once you have collected your child rather than allowing them to play unsupervised on the play equipment.
Every Child Needs a Coat
The weather has certainly taken a turn towards Autumn. This week we have had lots of heavy but brief showers over break time and lunch time. Surprisingly, a large number of children have been coming to school without a coat. Please ensure adequate clothing for any weather – even the weather forecasters are struggling to predict what the day might hold.
Internet Safety
Occasionally we will provide parents and carers with relevant information from National Online Safety. This week the poster below is called “What Parents Need to know about ROBLOX” with helpful safety advice and clear descriptions of possible risks.
New PTFA Website
We are pleased to let you know that the PTFA have a new website. Starting this year, the PTFA will be contacting you directly with their newsletter on a Sunday. As a school we benefit enormously from the support of the PTFA, and we are really lucky to have such a hardworking and dedicated group of parents and carers offering their time and energy. Please show your support by visiting their new website and having a look around:
Other Information
Occasionally we are contacted by external groups or organisations with requests to include information on the newsletter. We pass on those that we feel you may be interested in, although we are not responsible for the content.
With the announcement yesterday of the death of Queen Elizabeth, many of us are now faced with the difficult task of talking about death and berevement with children. Everyone will be affected differently by this news, however, if you would like help and advice about what to say, how to say it, and how to support yourself and others, please click on this link below. This will take you to the Winston's Wish website - the UK's childhood berevement charity.