Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
Year Six campers will be returning from Pembrokeshire today. It has been the furthest and most adventurous of all residential trips so far! Thanks to Miss Godfroy, Miss Hibberd, Mrs Baron, Mrs Walker, Mr Gunner, Mrs Heath and Mr Brice for sacrificing a few good nights of sleep to make this possible! Among other activities the children have been coasteering and learning to surf. If you haven't looked yet, the pictures on Twitter are amazing. Thanks too to Mrs Longhurst for staying at school for Year 6 Base Camp. All year 6 children - whether in Pembrokeshire or at Base Camp - impressed us with their cooperation and enjoyment.
Unicorn Update!
Well done to everyone who submitted a design for our school Unicorn. A small selection of the many entries is shown below. Rather than choose just one design, our team will be selecting elements from a range of designs to create our school Unicorn. Look out for rainbow colours, the school values, planet Earth and glittery hooves on the final design. Details of Bristol Unicorn Trail can be found at their website.
Year 2 Mosque Trip
On Monday this week, children in Year 2 visited the local mosque as part of their learning in RE. The Imam told us that these children were one of the most polite and respectful groups he has ever met. Well done for showing our school values of Respect and Curiosity on your visit! We would like to say a special thank you to all the parent/carer helpers who came along on this trip with us. We rely on your help for trips out of school and couldn't do them without you.
Curriculum Newsletters
Each term we provide a Curriculum Newsletter per year group. These are written by class teachers and give an overview of the learning that will be taking place each term in your child's class. Here they are for Term 6:
We, at VPPS, are running a Read for Good Readathon and we’d love your child to join in. How to take part:
This is a lovely way to get reading and raises money to help provide much-needed books and storytellers for your nearest major children’s hospital. Our school will also receive new books for our children to enjoy.
Here is an invitation for all parents and carers interested in joining a newly formed cricket team:
A group of parents have come together to play cricket, many of us having not played since school or university. Although it’s been a bit of a shock to our bodies, it has been a lot of fun coming together, getting to know new people and reacquainting ourselves with the game.
We are due to play our first game on Sunday 4th June at Compton Dando Nomads cricket club, Woodlands, BS39 4JU. Festivities will start at midday, and will continue until about 6pm.
The game will be part of the club's 10 year anniversary celebrations and we encourage friends, family, teachers and fellow parents to come along to enjoy a picnic on the boundary edge, and cheer the teams on.
Whether you are able to come for an hour or the whole afternoon, the club’s bar will be open, a BBQ fired up, with plenty of space for children to run around and play while you sit and enjoy the sunshine (fingers crossed) as well as watch a bit of cricket if you so wish. Also feel free to bring any outdoor games for the kids (or adults!).
We are very grateful to Compton Dando Nomads for hosting us, and any profits made from the day will go towards much needed equipment for the club.
There will be some parking at the ground itself, otherwise plenty of space within the village (please don’t park on the lane from the road up to the ground).
We are also hopeful to arrange further nets and games, as well as less formal games in the park involving the children as well. There is an active WhatsApp group, and if you are interested in any of the above please join us at https://chat.whatsapp.com/ETXuY1DKvaEF2LcCpo8eVm, or contact Andy James on 07968086116. We are particularly interested in any women who would like to play to join the one Mum currently on the team!
Other Information
We hope that you have a restful half term break; school is closed next week. The next day for children is Monday 5th June 2023. Remember that next term we have an INSET day on Friday 30th June 2023 when school will be closed to children.