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We are immensely proud of our year 6 pupils who took part in their KS2 assessments (SATs) this week. Without exception, pupils showed a positive and determined attitude and embraced the challenge. Well done to all of you!
This week in assembly, we talked about Respect and how it's important to value the opinions of others. Children listened to this poem by Francis Duggan:
A difference of opinions just means you and I
On different subjects do not see eye to eye
And who is wrong or right is not for me to say
Since we do look at life in a different way.
On any one subject all will not agree
And what's right to you may not be right to me
If we all thought the same how boring we would be
Though 'tis said what we dislike in others in ourselves we do see.
'Tis our individuality from others that place us apart
But what does matter most is you be kind of heart
And you do not find joy in another's downfall
And you embrace the truth in a fair go for all.
We are all individuals for want of a better name
And even those with similar views not exactly the same
Despite a common ancestry and similar DNA
We all look at life in a different way.
Congratulations Mrs Buckland!
We are delighted to share the news that Mrs Buckland is pregnant and expecting her third child. Mrs Buckland will stay in school for the rest of this academic year, as the baby is not due until the autumn.
Theatre Show for KS1
The main hall in school was transformed this morning as children in Year 1 and Year 2 were treated to a theatre performance from Tiny & Tall Productions (formerly Tessa Bide Productions). We were first to see their brand new show A Strange New Space, the intergalactic adventure of one brave young girl, which they will be taking on tour soon. Click here if you would like to know more information about the show.
Victoria Park Food Drive
Thank you for your donations so far, for the Victoria Park foodbank which is running low on food and needs our help! The school council have arranged for each class to collect a specific item and boxes will be in each classroom for donations.
Final donations can be brought into school on Monday 20th May.
Other Information
We are really pleased to be able to offer residential camp experiences for pupils in Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. As Year 4 children return from Grittleton House today, now is a good time to look at our Instagram posts to see photographs of their experiences (just search for VPPSBristol). You can also look back at Year 5 camp, which took place a few weeks ago, and next week Year 6 pupils are off to Pembrokeshire. We're really grateful to all the staff who make this possible, including those who attend with the children, those who cover classes or run 'basecamp' in school, and for all the organisation which goes on beforehand!