Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
We start this week's newsletter with a wonderful video from Travelling Light Theatre Company, featuring children from Year 3. Throughout our Play in a Week performance this year, the children were filmed and interviewed, culminating in this uplifting piece. Well done to everyone involved.
Parent & Carer Survey 2023
Please take the time to complete this year's Parent and Carer survey by clicking here. For the first time the survey is being co-ordinated across all nine CST schools, so that we can collaborate to respond to your feedback. You have all of this term to complete the survey, with a closing date of Friday 21st July 2023.
Staffing News
Mrs Williams has decided to retire at the end of this academic year. We are hoping that Mrs Williams will come back to visit the children before the Summer holidays, to say goodbye. Thank you for your many years at Victoria Park Primary School!
Sports Day
This week, we managed two out of three of our planned Sports Day events! It was great to see so many parents and carers helping out and participating with the Reception Sports Day. Later that morning, children in Years 1, 2 and 3 particularly enjoyed their "tug of war", as well as shot put throwing, sack races, relay races and sprints. Here are some photographs from the morning. The Year 4, 5 and 6 sports day will take place on Wednesday 12th Juy at 1:30pm (if the weather allows!).
GenePools project - what's in our school pond?!
We are taking part in the GenePools citizen science project with the Natural History Museum. This exciting project uses novel DNA sequencing methods to investigate what is living in our school pond. We are very excited to get the results and see what wildlife we discover. Once we find out what's there we can look at improving the pond and outdoor classroom to encourage even more nature.
To find out more: https://www.nhm.ac.uk/take-part/monitor-and-encourage-nature/genepools.html
A big green thank you!
Thank you to everyone who took part in our green and blue Earth Day and donated money for our eco projects. The Green Team decided to buy another hedgehog house and some nest boxes. We also bought some gardening equipment, compost and pollinator plants to brighten up the school for people and wildlife.
Here are our amazing Eco Warriors busy planting all the new plants!
Other Information
Ultimate Activity Camps provide outstanding Ofsted-registered activity day camps for children aged 4-14 during the school holidays. Children will enjoy a fantastic range of over 40 sports, games and art activities every week led by engaging staff at amazing locations. Running this Summer at Badminton School.
Book by Tuesday 6th June to save up £20 a week on all Summer dates!
FREE Summer Activities @ Knowle West Media Centre, click the flyer below:
Don't forget to join us on Monday 17th July in the middle playground for our Big Summer Sing! Each year group has been rehearsing a song to perform, and there will be a whole school song at the end too. The gates will open at 2pm. In the meantime, have a lovely weekend!