Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
It has been a fantastic last week of term in school with so much to share and celebrate. We have enjoyed Year 1 singing, the Year 2 Nativity, our KS2 Singing performance at St Michael and All Saints Church, Christmas lunch and not one but two Christmas jumper days!
Thank you to everyone who came our rearranged Winter Fayre on Wednesday after school. A special thank you also to our fantastic PTFA for re-organising such a brilliant event, and to everyone who volunteered their time in some way to help.
These PTFA run events have become essential to the school to be able to continue to offer all of the wider experiences and activities that are unique to our school from lantern parades and plays in a week through to art exhibitions and residential visits. So thank you to everyone who decided we were not going to be defeated by Storm Darragh and ensured the fayre would go ahead to raise vital funds for the school.
I hope you all have a wonderful winter break and we will see you back at school on Tuesday 7th January.
Winter Fayre: Thanks from the PTFA
The Christmas Fayre on Wednesday was a big success. Thank you to everyone involved.
SPECIAL thanks to: Josh Eggleton for donating the hot dogs and cooking them for us, the school choirs for performing, and Henry from Mangrove for selling badges he made and donating all of the proceeds to the fayre.
HUGE thanks to: All of the parents and school staff who ran the stalls, Mr and Mrs Claus, Sidekick Elf, the office team and Mark for setting up, the parents that rushed back from Carol singing to help, all the parents that donated and baked items, and the parents that did the fayre preparation work including last minute purchases.
MASSIVE thanks to the PTFA core team - Mel, Gemma, David, Maria, Jamie and Dan - who worked for weeks beforehand during the preparation and didn't let a storm defeat raising funds for the school!
And of course to thanks to everyone that came, took part, spent their money and enjoyed the fair.
We think that despite the re-scheduling we raised a similar amount of money to previous years, which is an fantastic achievement.
Last week, our value of the week was Respect. Our Values Certificate winners for demonstrating this school value throughout the week were:
Sid, Arthur, Tilly, Kit, Alex, Azariah, Greyson, Nina, Olivia, Mo, Noah and Maryam.
This week, our Values Certificate winners were role models in one or more of the values. Our winners were:
Lila, Oren, Sumaya, Attila, Dylan, Barnaby, Philippa, Beth, Mo, Leyla, Mabel, Abdul
Well done everyone!
Curriculum Newsletters
Each term we provide a Curriculum Newsletter per year group. These are written by class teachers and give an overview of the learning that will be taking place each term in your child's class. The term 3 newsletters for each year group from Reception to Year 6 can be found here.
Attendance and Punctuality
School Library
Our school library is open after-school everyday Monday to Thursday until 3.30pm. Please come to have a browse of the shelves and choose a book to borrow!
Important Dates for Term 3
Remember that you can see all of the term dates and INSET days on the term dates page of this website. These and other important dates are also on the website calendar.
Bristol Rocks December Newsletter
We are a community what's on guide and have low cost events, clubs and lots of parks and walks to help inspire families looking to get out and about over the holidays. www.bristol.rocks