Welcome to our school website - please come in and take a look around. You can click on "Newsletters" to see our weekly school newsletter and termly curriculum newsletters.
Victoria Park Primary School
Atlas Road
Telephone: 0117 903 0343
Email: victoriaparkp@victoriaparkprimary.co.uk
Queries from parents and other members of the public will be dealt with by the appropriate staff member, as detailed in our Communication Guide. Please label your query clearly so we can direct it to the most appropriate person. You may request a paper copy of any of the information provided on our website, which will be provided free of charge. Please use the email address above or contact form below.
Headteacher - Nic Bailey
Chair of Governors - Dan Foster
SENDCo - Chantelle Stirzaker
Admissions - Lorraine Brown
Click here to contact Cathedral School Trust (CST).
Registered office address: 1 College Square Bristol BA1 5TS
CST is Registered in England & Wales, Company No. 06516626
Telephone: 0117 205 1605
Email: enquiries@cathedralschoolstrust.org
Office address for correspondence and meetings: The Acorn, St Katherine's School, Ham Green, North Somerset, BS20 0HU.