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Victoria Park Primary School

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Friday 24th March 2023

This week, our values assembly focused on Kindness. Children learned about how kind words can change somebody's day. The school has been filled with the sights and sounds of creativity this week, as pupils in Year 3 have been acting, dancing, making and rehearsing their Play in a Week! The performances are this afternoon and this evening. We even welcomed reporters from Bristol 24/7 who spoke to children and staff about their Play in a Week project. You can read the full article here.

Staffing News

After many years at Victoria Park Primary School, Mrs Bayford will be retiring at the end of this term. We are pleased to let you know that after Easter, Mrs Fletcher will become the teaching assistant working on Thursdays and Fridays in reception classes. The children will know Mrs Fletcher as a member of the office team, but also because she has worked in Year 1 and Reception classes periodically this year while studying for her Teaching Assistant qualification. Mrs Bayford also works in Year 1 every Wednesday. After the Easter break, Miss Davidge will work in Year 1 on a Wednesday instead. All the children know Miss Davidge from the Play Team and forest school, as well as working across the school as a TA. We are sure you will join us in wishing Mrs Bayford the very best of luck for the future, and in welcoming Mrs Fletcher and Miss Davidge after the Easter break.

Cake Sale

On Saturday last week, Margot & Isabelle spent the day selling cakes they had baked on a stall they created (and then afterwards door to door) in aid of the school. They started at 9.30am and by 4pm they had sold out and had raised £80 in the process. Throughout they showed determination, enthusiasm and persistence despite being very tired by the end! They have received a couple more donations since and now have £100 in total. They would like to divide the money equally between the PTFA and the Year 6 Hoodie and end of term fund. Well done girls, and thank you for your hard work and generosity. You are the epitome of our school values!

VPPS Food Festival

Join us tomorrow for the first VPPS food festival, organised by the PTFA! Entry is free and there will be top chefs, food, a raffle and activities for children. Please come to the Raymend Road gate between midday and 2pm.


Football Fun for Girls @ Windmill Hill City Farm

Registration is now open for Term 5 of Football Fun for Girls at Windmill Hill City Farm - as the nights are now lighter and hopefully the weather will be warmer it would be great to have some reception girls come join in the fun!  There are also spaces for other age groups ...

Sessions take place on a Tuesday for KS2 and on a Wednesday for Rec & KS1 - both sessions start at 5pm and last 55 minutes. For more information click the flyer below.

Remember that British Summer Time starts on Sunday, so you will need to put your clocks forward one hour on Sunday morning. Have a lovely weekend!

