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Victoria Park Primary School

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Friday 10th March 2023

This week in our values assembly, we recognised and celebrated "International Women's Day". The children watched this video to help explain what International Women's Day is, and why it is important. Pupils and adults were also set the following challenge - can you name all of these important and influential women from history and today? (Answers at the bottom of the newsletter!)

Industrial Action

With more industrial action planned for next week, we thought it would be helpful to share this information leaflet from the NEU about the reasons their members are going on strike. Not every staff member is part of the NEU, and there are a range of views across the organisation. (This is provided for your information only and the opinions expressed within the content are solely the author's. It should not be assumed this reflects the opinions and beliefs of the school, CST or any individual employee.)

Comic Relief - Friday 17th March 2023
School councillors Alicija and Ada have this message for you:

The school council would like to invite all children and staff to dress in red or wear a red nose for a small donation of £1.  You can put on something small like red socks or you can go big and dress all in red.  The choice is yours.  There will be a collection trolley in playground 1 (similar to Pudsey last year) on arrival or you can donate via the gateway. 

There will also be a joke telling competition at lunchtime in each playground where the school council will judge the best joke in each year group.  The school councillors will be the judges and the best jokes will be invited to tell their joke in assembly.

Other Information

  • Further to the last week's information about Quad Kids for Years 4 and 5, Avon Athletics in partnership with SGS have put on an athletics open event for Years 6 to 11. Children don't have to be affiliated to a club and can add their school name instead. It's a great step into competitive athletics. (The link on the flyer below doesn't work but this one does:

Did you manage to identify the women in the pictures above? They are (from left to right, top to bottom):
Jacinda Ardern

Helen Sharman

Mother Theresa

Maya Angelou

Venus Williams

Michelle Obama

Amelia Earhart

Rosa Parks

Emmeline Pankhurst
